Gardinia Tricept Windows offer you the complete package
If you are considering the replacement of your windows then probably you will have been inundated with information and instructions on how you, the consumer should take more responsibility in choosing the most energy efficient products for your home.
In the past you may have encountered energy ratings when purchasing other household products such as washing machines, freezers, refrigerators and light bulbs.
The government have put controls in place to reduce the energy loss of domestic dwellings because window heat loss can account for up to 30% of the total heat loss from a house
Therefore replacement windows are now energy rated which will keep your heating bills down and help reduce harmful CO² emissions.
Gardinia Windows is the latest company to become an official registered label user with the British Fenestration Rating Council (BFRC), the body responsible for window energy ratings in the UK. Having undergone the BFRC’s assessment procedure for each product Gardinia Windows has been given A & B labels for both it’s Ovolo and Chamfered Tricept Window systems products.
The video below explains more about Tricept window security: