It’s certainly been a lovely week here in Huddersfield and with the high temperatures set to continue home security becomes more prevalent than ever as burglaries often increase during the sunny weather.
According to Police data insecure or sneak in burglary accounts for approximately 1 in 4 burglaries committed in West Yorkshire. This is the name given when a door or window has been left open or unlocked. This can happen whilst you are at home or out of the property. Many occur so quickly people may not be immediately aware and with these warm evenings its very tempting to leave doors and windows open to keep cool.
Therefore, it is always extremely important to get into the habit of keeping doors and windows locked and make sure family members do the same. Remove keys from doors and keep out of sight but close to hand in case of emergency.
Its often easy to forget if you’re in the garden for 5 minutes, just popping to a neighbour or getting something from the car. Especially if there are valuables on display, handbags, laptops, phones, car keys etc these can be gone in seconds.
West Yorkshire police advise all ground floor windows, and those above a flat roof, have locks fitted. These can be added to existing windows as extras (sash jammers) or non-locking handles can be replaced with a locking alternative. Additional security can be added to existing French doors, a Patlock for example. Door cylinders should always fit flush to the handle, existing cylinders can be upgraded and replaced with an ABS euro 3-star anti snap, anti-bump cylinders.
There are lots of security products on the market where you can make simple upgrades to your home which will be a deterrent to burglars.
These include: The Patlock, ABS Euro Cylinders and Sash Jammers.
Be sure to check out our sister website Upvc Spares 4 Repairs where you will find more security related products for Upvc Windows and Doors, in addition to the Upvc Spares 4 Repairs YouTube channel which features tutorials on how to install security products purchased form the Upvc Spares 4 Repairs online store.
Let’s enjoy the summer and stay protected.
More information on crime prevention can be found on the West Yorkshire Police Website.