Continuing from our blog post last week on new branding for our company vehicles, the signage for around our showroom building has arrived!
The van was unloaded with general manager Allan Hinchliffe keen to inspect this exciting arrival:
Up close and personal the signage looks huge! For now the new signage will be stored in our boardroom and will soon be erected on the exterior of the building:
A sneak peak at one of the Gardinia signs, I think you will agree it looks rather stylish, matching our new logo & house style:
In addition we also have some new signage for our Upvc Spares 4 Repairs trade entrance around the rear of the Gardinia premises, needless to say this is a lot more visual than the current signage and should make us easier to spot driving down the street:
This will be a significant improvement I’m excited to see the end result of, I will leave you with the concept design again below:
I have a feeling the final result will look even better from what I’ve seen so far!
We have a great Garage Door installation from our new fitter Gino to share next week, however we will keep you updated with more on our showroom in the coming weeks.