In the digital age we live in, a thank you card is somewhat of a rarity in 2022.
However Mr & Mrs Anwar from Lindley, Huddersfield we’re so pleased with their new window installation Mr Anwar came down to the Gardinia showroom on the day of completion with a thank you card, chocolates and a bottle of wine!
Needless to say we are delighted Mr & Mrs Anwar are so pleased with the finished installation, its always great to receive excellent feedback from our customers and have a physical card to display in our showroom.
The card reads as follows:
To Mark, Glenn, Alan and the fitting team, a big… Thank You!
We were extremely pleased with how everyone was from Gardinia – your dedication and professionalism.
A pleasure to have such a great firm to work with.
Whishing everyone the best!
From Mr & Mrs Anwar.

Think Gardinia can be of service? why not have a browse of our Upvc Window page? then contact us to arrange a free no obligation consultation.