Despite having a portfolio of excellent Testimonials received from our customers over the years, receiving a testimonial in the post is a rarity in 2022, not because we are not doing great work, simply because times have changed and the internet is where customers are now choosing to leave feedback.
That’s why when we do receive a testimonial letter its nice to feature it. This week we have a testimonial letter from Mrs Hellawell who has been a Gardinia customer since 2007. We recently upgraded Mrs Hellawell’s old conservatory roof to an energy efficient glazed roof, that will perform excellent all year round.
The testimonial letter from Mrs Hellawell reads as follows:
Dear Sir,
I am enclosing a cheque for £xx to pay the invoice.
I am very happy with the quality of the conservatory roof which you fitted and especially with the expertise of the fitters. The new roof hasn’t been tested with the rain yet but i am hopeful it will be as good as it looks!
Please can you send details of the guarantee on the roof and receipt of payment though the post?
Thank you.
Linda Hellawell – May 2022